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Content was accessible now but Linden no longer had any wish to make out the words. She had had enough of Chant and Daphin. Yet the two Elohim came together up the eftmound toward her and she could not ignore them. They were her last chance. When they faced her she aimed her bitterness straight into Daphin's immaculate green gaze. "You didn't have to do that. You could've told us where the One Tree is. You didn't have to possess him. And then leave him like that" Chant's hard eyes held a gleam of insouciance. His inner voice sparkled with relish. But Daphin's mind had a sad and liquid tone as she returned Linden's glare. "Sun-Sage you do not comprehend our Wurd. There is a word in your tongue which bears a somewhat similar meaning. It is 'ethic. ' " Jesus God! Linden rasped in sabulous denial. But she kept herself still. "In our power " Daphin went on "many paths are open to us which no mortal may judge or follow. Some are attractive -others.
envelop architect plenteous repulsive courage repulsive repulsive plenteous plenteous eatawayat plenteous
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